Gender Bending says that it “uses artificial intelligence” to determine whether a blog is written by a man or a woman. Intrigued, I immediately submitted the blog you see before you. Gender Analyser correctly guessed the gender of the blog as male, by a healthy margin of 60%. Next, I submitted my other blog, These Are Songs to the procedure. Result: Gender Analyser thinks I’m a woman! Actually, the assessment was 50-50 male to female, but leaning female. So actually I’m more of a prose androgyne, bending genders like a blogging glam-rocker, the Marc Bolan of WordPress.

Barely had I had time to absorb this information than my confidence in my masculinity was further undermined by the following thought: I only write half of this blog. If my writing is 50% woman, as shown by the These Are Songs analysis, then that means that only a small proportion of the manliness of Tuppenceworth is provided by me, the slack all taken up by Simon “He-man” McGarr. Sure enough, an analysis of his collected Tuppenceworth musings comes to a beer-swilling, toolbelt-wearing, not-asking-for-directions 70%. My own collected Tuppenceworthing is…wait a minute, it’s 60%, the same as the average. This is reassuring. Though less masculine than Simon, I am at least comfortably over the hermaphrodite line. But why am I more masculine here than when I write about songs? Do I pursue more typically male topics?

Actually, now that I think of it, I have written about football once or twice. But those posts tend to focus on the TV analysis, rather than the game itself. Once, I even wrote about football poetry, surely a less than blokish angle on the beautiful game. To get a grip on just how male I can be when I tap out a blog post, I ran the test on my contributions to Super Euro Soccer Party, Fustar’s blog of the European Championships of earlier this year. My collected works came in at a grizzled and frankly disturbing 99%. I’m not sure I want to be that masculine. Even Twenty Major is only an effeminate 55%. The only blog I could find with a similar profile was Feministe, which is 99% female. I took a look around, and suddenly I didn’t feel too bad about my 50% rating. If being 99% anything leads to comment threads like this, maybe I’m better off neither one nor t’other.


  • Try posting to “These are Songs” in the style and garb of Chuck Norris. See what happens to the stats then.

    Of course, Chuck Norris doesn’t listen to music. Music listens to Chuck Norris (and does what he says).

  • Interestingly the DobBlog rates as 60% male but with gender neutral text.

    Perhaps it is the way I’ve trained myself to write for international audiences.

    Or perhaps I need to write more about power tools.

    Or perhaps I should write in the style and motley of Chuck Norris. Chuck doesn’t have information quality problems. Information has Chuck Norris quality problems… if it’s not good enough he destroys the earth.

  • Simon McGarr says:

    I have a query.

    If I get 70% male and you get 60% male scores, how do we both combined get 60%?

    I have a feeling that the intelligence used to produce these figures is more artificial than intelligent.

  • Fergal Crehan says:

    Perhaps the difference is accounted for by the various non-Simon/Fergal contributors to the blog?

  • Simon,

    You are making the mistake of summing up two rankings to see if you can get a nice total.

    I suspect the algorithm used here performs a calculation a) for each named account on the blog and b) for the blog overall.

    So Simon, while you individually may be more butch than Fergal, and while Fergal may be moderately masculine, the sum total of your posts may contain enough oestrogenically formed phrasing to tilt the balance more towards the neutral point on the scale.

    Basically, the scores for each of you individually are probably (possibly) calculated on each subset of your posts, with the blog overall being ranked based on all the posts.

    If you have other posters who might score more to the feminine side on the gender analyzer then that would only help tilt things.

    Pesky averages.

    I still say getting Chuck Norris to write a guest post will swing things back to the masculine. Although if you wanted to stay balanced you’d need to get a post as well from his cousin David.

  • Dave Neary says:

    Hi Fegal!

    Drop me a line – it’s been years since we walked the lands, whisky in hand.

    Dave Neary.

  • Fiona says:

    Turns out I’m 59% likely to be a man, though my blog is, apparently “quite gender neutral”. Hmmm. What does this say about my byline picture?

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