Four Court Doors- Call for Objectors

As you can see in the post below I’ve finished drafting my objection to the alterations to the Four Courts front door.

I won’t rehash what I say below. But I did send around an email today, effectivly to most of my contacts (or those who are Irish, at least) alerting people to the proposal, and asking them to let me know if they would like to add their name to the objection.

I’ll reproduce it here. if any readers would like to also add their name, let me know at [email protected]

Hello to you all.
Some of you know me well. Some of you may only have met me once, or only received an email or fifty from me. Some, limited number, of you are my parents.

I’ve forwarded you this link below because its something I think is important. It isn’t world shaking, life alteringly important. It involves a seemingly small change to a single building in the middle of Dublin- The Four Courts building. I go in and out of it a few times a week, going about my seemingly small, mundane tasks having small and everyday thoughts.

But the change is an important one, I believe. And, given that Bloomsday is coming up, I’d like to think that small people having everyday thoughts and opinions can be important too.

At the instigation of the Courts Service of Ireland, the Office of Public Works is planning on putting up railings to close off the front porch of the Four Courts. They will prevent anyone from entering the building through its main entrance. It will also have the effect of turning the Front Porch into dead space- a wasteland of butts and cans.

Symbolically, it also represents a closing of the front door of justice, and a step away from the intention of the constitution that justice must not only be done, but that the citizens of the country have a right to access the courts, and see that justice done in public. (Art. 34 Section 1, thank you for asking). The Courts service is already in the course of installing tollbooths and security cabins at the other gates to the Four Courts. The intention is to allow lawyers access though any gate, but to restrict the public (including those called for jury service) to one. This, they cheerfully admit, will mean the public having to queue to access the courts.

The reasons given for closing off the front gate were not due to security concerns, but rather because they said that homeless people were sleeping in it at night and staff didn’t want to clean it in the mornings.

I have drafted an objection to this planning application. If you would like to object to it too, let me know before Friday 17th June, the last day for objections. I’ll add your name, and the name of anyone else you talk to who would like to object and pay the €20 objecting charge happily myself.

The more people who object, the greater the pressure to alter or abandon these plans. These things can make a difference, I believe. So make a difference today yourself- you can read the text of the objection here (
If you agree with it let me know and bob’s your uncle.

Thanks for your time.
All the best
Simon McGarr


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