Ceci n’est pas une iPhone

As we all know, a blog without a post about the iPhone will be hunted down by wolves and torn limb from limb. I thought I’d get around this by telling you about my current search for an affordable Nokia N800.

My wish to have an N800 stems from the recent death of my laptop. It was mostly used for poddling about while sitting on the couch, looking at things on the internet. Now, if a household member wishes to do a bit of browsing, they’ve to go away from the bosom of their family to the cold dark chaos of the room where the big computer lives. Its lonely up there. And frightening.

Buying a whole new laptop doesn’t look like a runner, so the quest is on.

Some problems: You can’t go into a shop and look at an N800. Shops look at you like you’re a loon if you ask to see the Nokia that isn’t a phone.
Even eBay isn’t well stocked with them. And there are suspiciously large numbers of people selling them who apparently have never sold anything before. I have my doubts.
Dublin’s Rudest Retailer, Mr. Calculator, has one in the window. It has had an extra €50 added on to the standard cost. Which is already too much at €400.

And why is the N800 not an iPhone? Because it can be bought here (if you can find one), lets enterprising sorts write programmes for it, doesn’t cost a billion euros, and doesn’t require you to have a new mobile contract to get it. And because I have a phone already, thanks.


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  • Pb. says:


    What about the Nokia 770 – which has dropped in price since the 800 was released?

  • Simon McGarr says:

    Of course I ought to buy a 770. You can get one for €120 on eBay. But its a dead end- the chip running it is generally acknowledged to be painfully slow and the latest and greatest OS from Nokia, on which all future programmes (including skype, and support for flash video) will be built can’t be run on it.

    It would pain me to buy it knowing that I’d be storing up resentment against myself.

  • Suzy says:

    Dublin’s Rudest Retailer – oh yes!!! I’m not alone in feeling like I should get a smile and a thank you for the hundreds of euro’s I have spent there over the years!

  • Brian White says:

    Amazon.com has them for $359.99 (268e according to google). A friend of mine picked one up while he was over there for a few weeks. Maybe if you know someone living in the US…?

    The device itself is amazing. Great UI, *excellent* display, really nice package overall.

  • Pb. says:

    Thats understandable – I’m having the same problem with getting the N95… or the choice of waiting for the Europe launch of the iPhone.

  • […] have now received my Nokia N800. It is better than I thought it would be. It fact, it is almost magical. Nokia’s marketing […]

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